What is creatine used for? Questions and answers about this supplement

Everyone talks about it and you still don't know what it is. Some say it increases muscles, others say they perform better in the gym. Can a supplement really help you improve your physical performance that much?

If you want to know what creatine is for and what it does in your body, you've come to the right place, because here we are going to tell you.

What is creatine and what is it for?

Creatine is a chemical compound found in the body and is involved in creating energy for muscles. It is produced in the liver, kidneys and pancreas, from three amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine.

Although it is something we produce naturally, red meat and seafood are a source of creatine. Recently within the world of well-being and physical exercise it has become popular through supplements in the form of powders or capsules to help improve sports performance.

How does creatine help muscle growth?

For your muscles to grow, they need to feel overload, so if you don't do strength exercises, they will remain small. What creatine does is promote intense lifting by recycling the necessary energy molecule ATP. In addition, it buffers the development of lactic acid, allowing for longer-lasting workouts.

When to take creatine?

If you want to have better results, it is advisable to take creatine after training according to your body weight like this:
  • Up to 140 pounds: 5 to 6 grams per day
  • From 141 to 168 pounds: 6-7.5 grams per
  • From 169 pounds to 199 pounds: 8 grams per day
  • 200 to 242 pounds: 8 to 10 grams per day
  • Over 242 pounds: 10 to 12 grams per day

Hydration is essential when taking creatine. Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day, while you consume it.

Does creatine have side effects?

Creatine is so efficient at transporting water to the intramuscular compartment that an emerging side effect associated with it is muscle cramps. This occurs most often when you consume too little fluid while taking creatine.

Will I lose weight or muscle mass if I stop using it?

There is no reason to wait for muscle loss. However, you will lose a few pounds, since creatine causes the volumization of water in intracellular tissues instead of the bloating caused by sodium ingestion.

Creatine is one of the most studied supplements in the sports world. If after reading everything about its effects on the body and the correct way to use it, what are you waiting for to give your muscles an extra injection of energy?

TryCreatine , the creatine powder from Evolution Advance that will help you improve yourself in each workout and recover quickly to go for more.

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