Menopause and Hormones

Learn to understand your hormones and live the menopause in balance with our advice and tools validated by science.

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Suplementos y cuidados de alimentación durante la menopausia

Te han dicho de mil formas que la menopausia es una etapa de cambios, que vas a experimentar transformaciones en tu cuerpo y que tu estado de ánimo será muy variable. Tienes amigas que te...

9 myths about cellulite

How effective are supplements in eliminating cellulite? In our blog we tell you the myths and truths about cellulite. Read the full article.

How do I know I'm entering menopause?

Although it is a topic that women do not want to talk about, knowing if you are entering menopause will help you better prepare for this stage of your life.

Tips to eliminate cellulite in legs and buttocks

So that you stop being overwhelmed by cellulite in your buttocks and legs, we give you tips to reduce its appearance on your skin and regain your confidence.

Signs that weight gain may be related to hormonal changes

Are you getting fat and you don't know why, is it your habits or are you doing something wrong? Detect here if your weight gain is related to hormonal changes

The best method to combat fluid retention on your vacation

Stop suffering from feeling bloated on vacation. Learn about the method that will help you combat fluid retention so that you can wear your bathing suit without penalty.

Effective tips to reduce cellulite and show off radiant skin on your next vacation

The holidays are just around the corner. If you are worried about not being able to wear shorts or a bikini because of orange peel skin, here we tell you how to reduce cellulite safely,...

Intermittent fasting and menopause, how good is it?

To fast or not to fast in menopause? Find out how fasting helps maintain a healthy weight, control hormones, and more. In the end, decide if it is what suits you

Cellulite is not just a female aesthetic issue

Is cellulite more common in men than in women? Discover some truths about this condition that affects more women than you think

How to understand and support a woman during menopause

Menopausal women face endless challenges, but they can do better with the support and understanding of those around them. Find out how to do it