
Find information that will help you have healthier habits so that you live healthy with energy and fullness.

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How to have healthy habits that last over time?

Do you die of envy seeing people who are able to go to the gym every day? Don't know how to stop drinking soda with every meal? Would you like to have the discipline and...

Benefits of having healthy habits

Discover why healthy habits and multivitamin supplements are the key to living with energy and enjoying what you love to do.

Body dysmorphic disorder, an excess of physical complexes

Do you live stressed, self-conscious and depressed by what you consider "your physical defects"? You may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, find out what it is and how to manage it

The importance of strengthening and caring for your pelvic floor

The pelvis has a floor that needs care. Learn how to prevent urinary incontinence, genital prolapse, and sexual dysfunction with these tips.

Discover why you can be sedentary even if you exercise

It is not enough to go to the gym, walk or do internet routines daily, you can be sedentary even if you exercise. See why and how to fix it

Urinary infections during menstruation

If you thought the worst things about your period were belly, breast, and headache pain, bloating, sudden weight gain, or energy slumps, OMG, it turns out we're also more prone to urinary tract infections during...

How to cleanse the liver naturally

A healthy liver is synonymous with health and well-being. So, if you have gotten out of hand with bad habits or have a medical condition for which this organ does not work well, you should...

Tips to have discipline in healthy habits

It is no secret to anyone that having discipline in healthy habits is quite a challenge . Especially when you are starting out in this world of well-being. But in this challenge, mini habits, which...

Beware of endocrine disruptors at home

Endocrine disruptors are present at home, at work and on the street. Learn how they affect your body and learn to protect yourself. Enter now.

Why the pursuit of perfection is an enemy of your progress

“If you seek perfection, you will never be happy.” – Leo Tolstoy. Does it often happen to you that the need for everything to be “perfect” causes you such a level of stress that it...