Abdominal diastasis: basic guide to detect and combat it

Have you heard of abdominal diastasis? Generally, when women enter the wonderful world of being mothers, they learn many terms that they did not even know existed before. Many times the abdominal diastasis is to blame for the tummy not disappearing after pregnancy.
This condition is almost always suffered by pregnant women, but men and children can also have it. I ask you:
Do you feel that, when making an effort, it seems that something is coming out in the area of your navel? If so, then this post may interest you. You will know what abdominal diastasis is and how to solve it.
What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti, in medical terms, occurs when, during pregnancy, the growing uterus stretches the muscles of the abdomen and this can cause the two large parallel bands of muscles that meet in the middle of the abdomen to separate. .
This can cause a bulge in the middle of the abdomen, where the two muscles separate.
Keep in mind that this is not a tear, but a stretching of the connective tissues along the linea alba . In extreme cases, diastasis is related to lower back pain, abdominal pain, and even pelvic problems.
Diastasis Abdominal Risk Factors
Moms almost always share advice and air all their experiences, from breastfeeding to caring for babies, but rarely do they talk about the difficulties they have, in terms of abdominal, urinary and pelvic problems that arise after childbirth.
Statistically, more than 98% of women have abdominal diastasis after childbirth.
But it's important to note that while abdominal wall separation occurs most often in pregnant women, this is not the only cause. Men and boys can also separate due to unusual internal abdominal pressure.

How to detect abdominal diastasis?
Diastasis is a space of more than 2.7 centimeters between the abdominal muscles.
You can verify it yourself from home, it is very easy, with a simple distance between your fingers you can know if you have a separation in your abdomen or not.
The measurements in centimeters can vary greatly depending on the size of your finger or the finger of the person who is going to carry out the verification. This is not an exact science, but rather a rough way to assess a potential problem.
It is a space of more than 2-3 fingers.
How to do it:

Perform this test above and below your belly button, as the gap can measure differently in these locations.
Below, I show you a chart with the possible types of abdominal separation that can occur:

What to do if you have a diastasis abdominis
Unfortunately, dealing with diastasis is not that simple, nor is it that easy.
But don't worry, many small separations can be improved at home with specialized exercises, but in the most serious cases sometimes you may need the help of a professional.
Most people do exercise routines that they find on YouTube to improve their diastasis, and the truth is that the cases have been satisfactory, but currently there are specific programs created by experts that can help you out.
Even on social networks like Instagram and Facebook there are many accounts that share this type of information.
However, all experts agree that many exercises that specifically target the abs should actually be avoided if you have an abdominal separation, as they can make diastasis worse rather than better.
Tips to avoid abdominal diastasis
Sometimes what is prevented is decisive for your health, for this reason I leave you these recommendations:

When should you see a professional?
If you could not resolve your abdominal diastasis with exercises or specialized programs, see a specialist, since you may have a severe separation. It is almost always recommended that you go to a physical therapist who specializes in this area.
Diastasis, in addition to being a functional problem, is also an aesthetic problem, and more common than you think. As you already know, everyone can get a diastasis abdominal, regardless of many factors.
Did you have or do you have abdominal diastasis?
Share your experience with us, it may help someone else.