Eating that will make you lose weight in a healthy way

How many times have you heard incredible offers and diets to lose weight quickly?: Lose 30 pounds in 30 days", "eat everything you want and lose weight!", "this toner will take off several centimeters in a short time!". Forget false promises: here I'm going to show you how to adopt a diet that will make you lose weight in a healthy way.
Remember that a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are the two main causes of weight gain above appropriate levels; Stress, anxiety and harmful habits such as alcohol and cigarette consumption also influence.
There is no point in following fad diets that are neither healthy nor provide the nutrients your body needs. Keep reading to find out how to lose weight healthily, eating healthy, without affecting your health and with results that you can maintain forever.
Rapid Weight Loss vs. healthy weight loss
To lose weight there are two options:

The second option involves making many decisions related to a healthy lifestyle, such as choosing a healthy, balanced and varied eating plan.
It is very important that you know the foods you eat and their composition, learn to read nutritional labels and know what amounts of salt and sugar they contain.
What is a healthy eating plan?
According to the dietary guidelines for Americans, healthy weight loss requires a healthy eating plan that takes the following aspects into account:

How many calories should you consume to lose weight in a healthy way?
To follow a healthy diet YOU DON'T HAVE to count calories . It is more important to reflect on what you eat.
Counting calories is only part of the equation in weight loss, which if it becomes an obsession, can become a harmful and evil habit. There are other more important factors, such as eating foods that keep insulin levels stable throughout the day and satisfy your hunger.
You must analyze the foods you eat and plan your diet, based on your particular objectives: do not eat less to be hungry and unhappy; Eat better, more fresh foods and reduce processed products as much as possible.
It is also not advisable to get obsessed with having a perfect diet and feel guilty when you “skip your diet”, as this can end up affecting your self-esteem.
For this reason, it is important to have the support of medical professionals or nutritionists, so that they can teach you how to eat well, marking a change in your eating habits. Choose a healthy diet not because it is the right thing to do, but because it also makes you happy.
Remember that the World Health Organization (WHO) defines the term health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” This means that different factors intervene in a healthy life and diet is basic. Just like practicing exercises, sleeping the required hours, staying hydrated, controlling stress and having healthy fun, so that people achieve and maintain good health and therefore practice good healthy living habits.
Short-term benefits of healthy eating
It is very common to think that the benefits of a healthy diet can only be seen in the long term. But in a short time, your quality of life increases, as your personal, family and work performance exponentially improves.
Eating healthy foods is a main axis to maintain your health and prevent long-term diseases.
How to create a healthy eating plan
Set the goals you want to achieve
It is better to have small goals that you can measure (daily, weekly or monthly). For this, keep in mind:

Record your progress
People who keep a regular diary may be more successful in losing weight and not gaining weight again.
See how it's done:
Write down the healthy things you do in a notebook or journal
- Review it when you start to doubt yourself or your abilities.
Pay attention to how you feel
Can you notice a difference when you eat better? Or do you feel the change when you sometimes eat poorly?
- Notice if your food preferences change: As you change what you eat, you will start to like new foods. You may notice that you don't like some of the foods you used to eat before, and you may have learned to enjoy new foods that you thought you didn't like.
Get lab tests
You will be able to monitor the effects that your new diet generates in your body and reflect better values.
- Blood sugar tests will tell you if your diet is helping to control insulin.
- Regular blood tests can measure your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Measure your blood pressure to see if changes in your diet are improving it.
Give yourself a reward
- When you reach one of your goals, reward yourself : link each reward with a specific, measurable goal, such as “I ate 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day for 1 week.”
- The reward CANNOT be food: buy yourself new clothes or treat yourself to a massage session.
The habits that will make you lose weight in a healthy way
According to the recommendations of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the US Department of Health and Human Services , the healthy habits recommended to lose weight in a healthy way and without risk of losing weight and not increase it again, they are the following:
Choose healthy foods:

Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables
Choose them in a variety of rich colors: red (red peppers, cherries, cranberries, red onions, beets, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon); green (avocados, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, cucumbers, dark lettuce, grapes, honeydew melon, kale, kiwis, spinach, zucchini); orange and yellow (apricots, bananas, melons, papaya, carrots, mangoes, oranges, peaches, pumpkins, sweet potatoes); blue and purple (blackberries, blueberries, grapes, plums, purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple potatoes). This way you will get a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Prefer steamed, grilled or baked foods instead of fried foods.
Limit unhealthy foods
Added sugars, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and saturated fats, also known as "solid fats" (fatty meats and high-fat milk products like butter).
Eat protein
That are low in fats such as beans, eggs, fish, lean meats, nuts and chicken or turkey.
Eat small portions
Use a smaller plate or check the nutrition label to learn what serving sizes should be.
Move your body in your daily routine
Garden, go for a walk with your family, play sports, start a dance club with your friends, swim, take the stairs, or walk to the store or work.
Rest properly
When you don't sleep well, a whole cascade of hormonal events happens that could cause you to gain weight , since the appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin are made during sleep, which means that people have a lower sense of satiety if they don't get enough sleep. enough.
Manage stress
Being constantly stressed affects many vital processes. And when you are in a situation of physical or emotional stress, the hormone cortisol or hydrocortisone is produced, which causes anxiety and makes you eat more. In addition, it causes hormonal imbalances, weight gain by increasing insulin resistance, loss of muscle tissue, weakens the immune system, increases the risk of osteoporosis, infertility and hinders the absorption and secretion of minerals such as sodium, calcium and calcium. potassium.
Food that will make you lose weight in a healthy way
Food or diets to lose weight that provide safe and healthy eating habits are the following:
Mediterranean food
It is the way of eating based on an idealization of the dietary patterns of Mediterranean countries, especially: Spain, Italy, Greece, Morocco, San Marino, Cyprus and Croatia.
Without a doubt, it is a great option if you want to follow a diet to lose weight in a healthy way and eat a variety of foods. Its benefits are undeniable, since it helps the cardiovascular system and prevents many heart diseases.
It is characterized by the majority intake of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, carbohydrates, cereals and fish. In addition, it has some star products, such as olive oil, which is nutritionally better than vegetable oils or butter.
This diet also encourages daily exercise, as well as the consumption of local and seasonal products.

Atlantic food
It is distinguished by being varied and nutritious and refers to the eating style shared by the areas bathed by the Atlantic Ocean towards northern Europe in countries such as Portugal, Spain, France and England, mainly.
Some studies have shown that the longevity of its inhabitants is greater than that of residents of the Mediterranean area.
What should you consume in an Atlantic diet?
- A lot of:
- Vegetables, fruits, cereals (whole grain bread), potatoes, chestnuts, nuts and legumes.
- Fresh, frozen or canned fish and seafood.
- Olive oil for dressing and cooking.
- Moderate portions of:
- Beef, pork, game and poultry.
- Milk and dairy derivatives, especially cheeses.
The difference between the Atlantic diet and the Mediterranean diet lies in the habitual consumption of fresh, seasonal and local foods, minimally processed.
DASH diet or hypertension diet
DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and was originally created to help reduce high blood pressure.
Thanks to the benefits it provides, it is considered one of the healthiest diets to lose weight.

MIND nutrition (Mediterranean intervention-DASH for neurodegenerative delay).
This is the fusion of several diets and was created to avoid certain neurodegenerative diseases through proper nutrition.
In 2015, two large studies conducted in the United States showed much slower cognitive decline for 35% of people who followed it flexibly and 53% of those who followed it rigorously.
Although it was not designed as a weight loss diet, it is a good diet to promote weight loss.
- It consists of consuming whole grain three times a day, in any of its forms (rice, bread, pasta...).
- Guideline that vegetables and fruits be consumed daily, as well as 30 grams of nuts.
- Every two days, legumes should be eaten and, twice a week, the consumption of red fruits is established, since they are powerful antioxidants.
- Chicken meat and fish should be eaten several times a week and unhealthy, pre-cooked or treated foods should be avoided (this also includes industrial pastries, fried foods and any food that contains excess sugar).

To lose weight healthily, the important thing is to be consistent and always make healthy choices in your diet.
Over time you will be able to have better eating habits. And by thinking more positively and focusing on the foods you can eat, you'll help yourself establish healthy eating habits.
Remember to consult with a health professional to follow a healthy diet or if you are having trouble making changes to your diet and are worried that you are not getting all the nutrients you need.