10 tips to eliminate fat from the hips

Revolvers, chaps, cartridge cases and more. It doesn't matter what you call the fat in the hips, one of the places on your body where excess tends to accumulate the most.
It is a real concern for many women. Are you one of them?
So, follow these simple tips and you will see results. I'm not going to lie to you: although it is not an easy task, if you put effort and discipline into it, you can achieve it.
Easy and natural tips to eliminate fat from the hips
- Eliminate convenience foods and junk foods from your diet.
- Plan your meals so that they are healthy and balanced with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Click here to learn how to plan quickly and easily with Meal Preap.
- Eat appropriately sized portions of food:
- Vegetables and fruits – ½ of the plate
- Whole grains – ¼ of the plate
- Protein – ¼ of the plate
- Get organized and keep a diary of all your meals, no matter how insignificant they may be.
- Drink water, at least 6 to 8 glasses a day.
- Say a FIRM NO to sugary drinks like soda or soda and alcoholic beverages.
- Reduce salt (sodium) consumption
- Rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day and control your stress levels.
- Practice exercises such as closing the hips and opening them, in addition to others that are effective :
- Squats
- Burpees
- Jump squats
- Glute kicks up
- Leg raise
- Hip lift
- Abductors: you will see how closing the hip and opening it has its results.
- If you want to achieve it faster, include food supplements in your diet.
Supplements to prevent fat accumulation
Fit & Slim : It is a healthy and delicious snack with protein and fiber to keep you satisfied, reduce food cravings, cravings and facilitate the fight against flaccidity.
Sleep Fit : a blend of safe, natural substances that relax you so you sleep better. Not only does it help you sleep soundly, it also facilitates the elimination of extra fat, calms hunger and cravings caused by nights of poor sleep and stress.
CLA Fit : It is a supplement that helps you remove stubborn fat that does not go away easily; It also helps to avoid sagging faster. And in this way, it improves the appearance of the skin.
Detox: strengthens your liver so that it works better and eliminates toxins that make you fat, inflame and sick, those that abound in water, fruits, vegetables, foods loaded with heavy metals, bad habits and even pollution
In addition, Detox helps burn fat in less time, especially in the waist, and prevents it from accumulating again.
Dare to apply these tips; The most important thing is that you motivate yourself, be constant and disciplined. You will see how you are transforming, step by step.