10 blogs you must read to have a healthy lifestyle

Eating healthy and having a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. It is a trend that is seen a lot on social networks in which hundreds of influential people give their advice for a successful sports routine and offer healthy recipes for everyday life.
It's no wonder there is a giant online community of health bloggers to help us on this journey. The only problem? There is unregulated information overload that can make finding health and wellness advice a real challenge.
At Evolution , we did the hard work for you and curated a list of 10 blogs that can help you if you want to get fit and follow a healthy lifestyle.
There are many examples of healthy lifestyles. And in these blogs you can meet them.
Vikika Acosta

This is the healthy eating blog of fitness influencer Vikika Acosta , a Spaniard with more than a decade dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. The blog was born with the idea of helping people improve their figure through food.
This blog is all in one . It has healthy and delicious recipes, easy to prepare with few ingredients, training challenges, options for training as a couple and much more.
In addition, it offers personalized nutrition and training plans and special packages of both plans combined so you can train from home.
It has a team of qualified nutritionists who are behind all the content it offers. With more than 800,000 followers on Instagram, it is certainly a blog worth reading.
Deliciously Ella

Deliciously Ella is the brainchild of the inspiring Ella Woodward who has been online for 8 years. She created the healthy diet blog after being diagnosed with a rare disease called postural tachycardia syndrome, which left her with heart palpitations, fatigue, and severe digestive problems.
In the quest to revitalize her health, she turned to a whole-food , plant-based diet , ditching meat, dairy, sugar and gluten. She now uses her blog to share healthy and delicious recipes with the world!
She has written five cookbooks , has a weekly podcast, and launched her own recipe and yoga app so you can find a fun and varied way to live a healthy lifestyle.
It is a blog with recipes exclusively based on vegan foods . You won't believe the delights you'll be able to learn to prepare.
Train with Sergio Peinado

It is the Personal Trainer 's blog Sergio Peinado , who specialized in physical activity and sports sciences and decided to start working to cultivate a healthy lifestyle in people .
He first started with his social networks and a YouTube channel, which he has had for more than 10 years. And by creating a network of people interested in improving their physical conditions and well-being, he launched his blog.
With almost 3 million subscribers on YouTube , a personal story as a success story and more than 500 videos of exercise routines, they make it a reference in the healthy world.
In healthy lifestyles there are plenty of examples. Sergio is definitely one of them.
Natalia Calvet

It is the blog of a mother of 4 children, an expert in healthy habits with a very motivating story. She is dedicated to helping women who want to change their habits, but can't get the motivation to do so.
Natalia Calvet offers a very interesting blog that tells you what you already know you should do, but what you don't do, such as eating healthy, exercising, resting well and learning to manage your emotions.
He has worked with recognized brands , which says a lot about his experience. Offer support in this transition that we all know is not easy, so that you learn that living a healthy life is not a sacrifice once you learn how to do it.
Her main focus is changing habits , because according to her experience, she considers that dieting is not enough to lose weight , there are many habits that must be worked on.
Without a doubt, a blog that will serve as a guide on your path to well-being and health .
Healthy lifestyle book

This is the blog of Dr Paloma Pérez del Pozo , who has a quite moving story. After becoming deaf at age 2 due to drug intolerance, she has had to work hard to get where she is.
He wrote the book Healthy Lifestyle with the intention of recommending to readers the keys that can help you improve your health and learn to act on the risk factors that put it in danger.
It is an interesting blog that offers information from a medical point of view , not only about food, but about diseases with possible solutions and precautions that you can take to take care of yourself.
JS Health

It is the blog of Jessica Sepel , a clinical nutritionist who has written 3 books with healthy eating plans . He has a special story, because at the age of 14 when he discovered the world of nutrition, his life changed completely and not exactly for the better.
After realizing that she was being consumed by an unintelligent idea about what it means to be healthy, her eating habits took a turn. Now she dedicates herself through her blog to teaching and helping people who suffer from eating disorders .
It is a very complete blog that combines nutrition, lifestyle, the fitness world and beauty tips to help you love yourself just the way you are.
In her own words, “ I am passionate about empowering people to stop dieting, throw away the scale, and find balance with food and fitness for life .”
Alejandra del Río

It is an interesting blog that promotes healthy Meal prep, a technique that consists of preparing the week's meals in one day. So if you are a very busy person, have your healthy meals ready without wasting time.
Alejandra has been a nutritional and dietary planning coach for 7 years. The idea for her blog was born with the intention of making people's lives easier by teaching them to plan their meals in advance.
The blog operates under the motto “ Stop living on a diet forever.” You will learn many healthy recipes , food preservation methods, nutritional balance in meals, etc. It also gives you an Ebook with 3 recipes so you can start experimenting.
KISS in The Kitchen

Shannon Garcia is the author of the blog KISS in the Kitchen, and her recipe ideas here live up to that moniker. Simple, easy and nutritious. Bonus: most of their recipes are gluten-free.
4 years ago he decided to create this blog to help people like you, who want to learn to lead a healthy lifestyle , but in a simple and uncomplicated way.
With a very precise distribution of categories and an encouraging design, Shannon shares delicious recipes according to the time of day you want to eat. Your meals will not be boring if you visit their blog.
Venu Sanz Chef

It's another vegan blog from 100% plant-based healthy cooking chef Venu Sanz . In this blog, if you still think that eating healthy is boring, you will end up accepting that it is not.
In that small virtual space, with the variety of courses it offers, you will learn to create your own healthy whole wheat bread, vegan cheese, desserts and even ice cream. Everything 100% online without having to leave your home.
In addition, you have endless healthy recipes so you can stop always cooking the same thing, and have fun eating healthy and during the preparation process.
Her greatest motivation is to teach people with eating disorders to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Not only to look good or lose weight, but to be more conscious of the environment.
Being Biotiful

With a blog well organized by categories and easy to access, comes Chloé with Being Biotiful. A blog dedicated to teaching recipes to maintain a healthy life, mostly based on vegetables .
Since she was a child, due to health problems and complications, she began to suffer from several conditions: celiac disease, leaky intestine, vitiligo, Sjogren's. That is why from an early age, he had to maintain a strict plant-based diet.
For her, the creation of the blog seeks to take a different look at healthy eating and although she is not currently 100% vegetarian, her eating habits have allowed her to include organic eggs, yogurt and goat's milk in her current diet.
She is nothing more than another example of improvement and perseverance . Because it's not just about taking care of the appearance of your body on the outside, you also have to take care of it from the inside and that can only be achieved with discipline.