Do you celebrate Menopause Day?

Did you know that World Menopause Day is celebrated every October 18 ?
It is a special date and the perfect opportunity to talk and educate about this stage of life. Because, although it may seem unusual, too many women have doubts, taboos and fears, even those who are experiencing menopause or perimenopause right now.
Is it hard for you to believe? So, don't miss the most relevant results of a very interesting survey about how women go through menopause.
I'll just tell you this: 92% of those surveyed said they needed more education about perimenopause and menopause... Keep reading, you'll be surprised.
How much do you know about menopause?
To carry out the survey “The State of Menopause 2022 ”, the company Bonafide interviewed 1,039 women between 40 and 65 years of age in the United States.
They wanted to understand what they know about menopause, how they feel physically and emotionally, who they talk to about it, if they know about treatments or are already using them.
All to find ways to help them prepare, manage and treat the symptoms. These were the results…
Knowledge about perimenopause
Perimenopause means “around menopause” and is the transition stage between the reproductive stage and menopause .
According to the survey, more and more women are aware of the signs and symptoms of perimenopause. But they need more information to better prepare them for what's coming.
- 30% of women ages 40 to 44 proactively talked to a health care professional about perimenopause before they had symptoms, but only 15% of women ages 55 to 65 did so.
- 25% do not know when perimenopause usually begins.
- 31% do not know treatment options.
- 28% knew how to take care of themselves during perimenopause before it appeared.
- 42% of women between 55 and 65 years old were not prepared for the duration of perimenopause.
Signs and symptoms of menopause transition
When menopause is already a fact, new symptoms appear that range from mild to more problematic, such as not being able to lose weight with anything.
The truth is that more than half of those surveyed said they were not prepared for them and expressed their desire to know more about “what awaited them.”
- Only 6% felt prepared for the symptoms of menopause.
- 52% had no idea how to deal with hot flashes.
- 51% were not prepared to deal with insomnia problems nor do they have sleeping techniques .
- 49% did not know how to manage night sweats.
- 47% were not ready to treat brain fog, depression, anxiety and stress.
- 43% experienced low libido, causing them 33% less confidence in bed.
Faced with so much ignorance, some chose treatments that did not work for them and others decided to "put up with the symptoms until they passed."
Men's Menopause Awareness
The support of men during menopause could not be left out, since it can make a big difference in the emotional state of women during the climacteric.
The study not only included their spouses or romantic partners, but also the males in their immediate family.
- 58% of women feel supported by their spouse/romantic partner, but 23% do not feel supported by siblings, parents or children.
- 29% feel a lack of understanding from their partner about sexual relations during menopause.
- 41% said they would feel more supported by the men in their lives if they were more educated on the topic and discussed it together.
- 31% of women ages 40 to 44 said their spouse/romantic partner knew a lot about menopause before talking to them about it, while only 15% of respondents ages 55 to 65 said the same.
Attitudes/thoughts about aging as a woman
Menopause is often associated with old age and 25% of women dislike it. And although 44% don't feel “old” yet, they think the negative stigmas of age affect the way the media addresses menopause.
- 36% suffer from aging anxiety and feel there is media pressure to “age gracefully.”
- 30% do not feel safe accepting their age.
- 32% think that there are more stereotypes and prejudices towards older women than in previous years.
- 34% would feel more supported as they age if the topic was talked about more appropriately in the media.
Do you realize that World Menopause Day is worth celebrating?
If we all raise our voices and make the issue viral, we can help change the perspective and show women and their families that it is not the end of life or a tragedy.
On the contrary, it can be a new beginning to redirect your habits, recover your health and well-being, and look and feel as great or more wonderful than when you were young.
At Evolution Advance we are committed to continuing to create comprehensive, natural and effective solutions for women who are going through menopause and perimenopause.
Get to know them by visiting our website
- Tags: Menopausia y hormonas