Lose weight

Do you want a slimmer figure? We guide you in your weight loss process with information and tools that do work

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Do slimming girdles really work?

To lose weight you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, which involves a good diet and a training routine. There is nothing that makes you lose fat effortlessly. Much less do you think that the...

Is it possible to lose localized fat in specific areas of the body?

Mejora los resultados de tu dieta o ejercicio aprendiendo cómo perder la grasa localizada en el abdomen, brazos o piernas. ¡Haz clic aquí!

Know what the rebound effect is and how to avoid it

¿Sientes que subes y bajas de peso repentinamente? Conoce en este artículo qué es el efecto rebote y cómo evitarlo para cuidar tu metabolismo.

What is the best protein for weight loss?

Do you dream of losing weight without going hungry or ending up with flaccidity? Well it is totally possible if you have a diet balanced and with the appropriate amount of protein. But sometimes it is...

How to measure body fat percentage

Body fat percentage is a key indicator to know how you are managing your diet and evaluate your habits. Learn how to measure it with this guide!

Fruits that help or harm weight loss

¿Las frutas engordan o adelgazan? Aunque son ricas en nutrientes, vitaminas y antioxidantes, debes saber consumirlas. ¡Te enseñamos cómo!

Is it possible to lose body fat with Garcinia Cambogia?

Do you want to lose body fat? Many dream the same because it is no secret to anyone that, in addition to being unsightly, it can be uncomfortable. And you should not only eliminate it...

Learn about the best diets to lose weight 2020

If you type in the search engine "best diets to lose weight" or "best diets to lose weight" you will get more than 310 million results. And with so many options, it is difficult to...

Why take 2 combined fat burners: Cla and L-carnitine

Many wonder which are the most effective fat burners to reduce the fat on the waist, the chaps on the hips or the fat arms that don't let them look the way they want. Well,...

10 answers from science that will destroy your fears of taking protein to lose weight

When it comes to protein , we love to take flavor into account because we believe that healthy living can be delicious. But when it comes to choosing the most effective protein for weight loss,...