Fruits make you fat or lose weight

Las frutas engordan o adelgazan

Fruits are very frequently used to lose weight, even being applied as intense diet regimens that could harm the health and proper functioning of the body. They could even promote weight gain. Are you wondering if there are fruits that make you fat or harm weight loss? In this post we are going to talk about that.

Like everything in life, excesses must be avoided. Just as happened to Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple and other computer companies, who deteriorated his health due to the abuse of fruits, especially apples, since he practiced frugivory or fruitarianism.

So you should know which fruits make you fat and which help you lose weight, so you can choose fruits that are less fattening . As I already mentioned, without abusing them.

What does our body need to function optimally?

For our body to function healthily, it needs more than forty nutrients a day to regulate metabolism, a quantity and variety that is not provided by a single food group.

That is why the diet must be varied and balanced between the macronutrients proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the micronutrients vitamins and minerals.

It must be kept in mind that foods contain unequal amounts of nutrients. Meats stand out for their protein and iron content; fish, for their omega-3 fatty acids; green leafy vegetables, due to their folate and magnesium content; and fruits, for their contribution of vitamin C, folates and potassium.

Calcium and vitamin D stand out in milk, while in vegetable oils such as olive and sunflower, and in nuts the amount of vitamin E stands out.

Are fruits just sugar?

Fruits make up a colorful and varied group of foods, considered indispensable and irreplaceable in the context of a healthy and balanced diet. And they are a source of the micronutrients necessary for the body.

But fruits are only sugars (fructose or glucose) and totally lack other essential nutrients such as proteins of high biological value and lipids or fats.

The nutritional composition of fruits

We must be very attentive and remember that fructose is the predominant natural sugar in most fruits, being responsible for their delicious sweet flavor when they are ripe.

However, fructose is questioned today due to its exaggerated use as a sweetening additive in processed foods. In addition, various research has shown that it is harmful, since it promotes fat deposits in the liver, causing liver deterioration. It also alters plasma lipids with an increase in triglycerides and bad cholesterol or “LDL2” that causes coronary damage.

There are epidemiological studies in humans that indicate that fructose is more harmful when taken as a liquid, either in sugary drinks with fructose or in fruit juices. And it is for this reason that they should be consumed whole, since this way the fiber that improves the absorption of sugars and the metabolization of nutrients is also ingested.

Why is it advisable to consume fruits, despite their sugar content?

The guidelines for maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle have a concrete scientific basis. The consumption of vegetables and fruits in a balanced and balanced diet has been shown to have benefits for the body, which has been demonstrated in numerous clinical trials and scientific research that have confirmed their antioxidant effects.

Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recommend a minimum consumption of 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day (excluding potatoes and other tubers) to “improve general health and reduce the risk of certain non-communicable diseases.

This is equivalent to 3 servings of fruit and 2 of vegetables per day. Although recent research has shown that the number should be higher, requiring at least 10 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day.

This intake is related to the contribution of all micronutrients: vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function correctly.

And these vitamins and minerals are cofactors of the enzymes that are in the cells and intervene in 99% of the metabolic reactions that occur in the body and neutralize free radicals that are so toxic to the human body.

How to detect which fruits are suitable for losing weight and which are not?

How can we detect which fruits are fattening and which are not?

When choosing, you should know which fruits are the least fattening due to their caloric content and at what time it is best to consume them.

The amount of water it contains must be verified, since this parameter is what indicates which fruits make you lose weight and which fruits make you gain weight.

Those that contain a lot of water, such as watermelon or melon, have a low caloric load, because water is acaloric (no calories).

Concentrated fruits, that is, those that do not have much water content, have more calories. At this point, of course, dehydrated ones such as raisins and dried apricots, for example, stand out.

Based on this, we can no longer think that you can eat any fruit at any time.

What fruits to avoid to avoid gaining weight?

As I have mentioned, there are no fruits that make you fat, but there are some that you should eat with caution.

The fruits that I will name below have little or no amount of water and concentrate more calories. I indicate its calorie and carbohydrate content so that you know its contribution:

Coconut ( Cocos nucifera )

Coconut is the fruit that has the most calories. 100 g provide 354 calories, 15.23 g of carbohydrates, 6.23 g of sugars, 9 g of dietary fiber.

Bananas ( Musa x paradisíaca )

Banana is a fruit rich in carbohydrates. 100 g provide 134 calories, 22.84 g of carbohydrates, 12.23 g of sugars, 2.6 g of dietary fiber.

Cherries ( Prunus avium )

Small, sweet cherries are high in fructose. 100 g provide 58 g calories, 14.77 g carbohydrates, 11.58 g sugars, 1.9 g dietary fiber.

Date ( Phoenix dactylifera )

Ripe dates have a high sugar content at around 80%. For this reason, it is used as a natural replacement for refined sugars. It has a high glycemic index. 100 g provide 282 calories, 75.03 g of carbohydrates, 63.35 g of sugars, 8 g of dietary fiber.

Soursop ( Annona muricata )

Soursop is a fruit rich in carbohydrates. 100 g provide 64 calories, 16.52 g of carbohydrates, 16.02 g of sugars, 0.5 g of dietary fiber.

Fig ( Ficus carica )

100 g of figs provide 74 calories, 19.18 g of carbohydrates, 16.26 g of sugars, 2.9 g of dietary fiber.

Passion fruit ( Passiflora edulis )

It is an exotic fruit that can be obtained in any fruit store today. 100 g provide 97 calories, 23.38 g of carbohydrates, 11.2 g of sugars, 10.4 g of dietary fiber.

Mango ( Mangifera indica )

Mango is a fruit rich in carbohydrates. 100 g provide 65 calories, 17 g of carbohydrates, 14.8 g of sugars, 1.8 g of dietary fiber.

Red grapes ( Vitis vinifera )

Grapes are a fruit rich in carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index, meaning that excessive consumption favors an increase in blood sugar. 100 g provide 69 calories, 18.1 g of carbohydrates, 15.48 g of sugars, 0.9 g of dietary fiber.

Dry fruits

It is also important to be careful with dried fruits such as raisins, raisins, figs and dried apricots, among others. These fruits are dehydrated and have a higher glycemic index, promoting an increase in blood sugar, in addition to being rich in calories.

The danger of these fruits rich in fructose (sugar present in fruits) is that they increase insulin levels, which causes the body to stop burning fat, causing the fats we eat with other foods to accumulate in the body.

What fruits to include in a diet plan to lose weight?

In this group, fruits with a low caloric content and a high water and fiber content are considered. We have the following:

Blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum )

They are recognized for their high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties. Different investigations found a significant decrease in body weight and body mass index among those who drank its juice regularly. 100 g provides 14.49 g of carbohydrates, 9.96 g of sugars, 2.4 g of dietary fiber and 57 calories.

Strawberries ( Fragaria ananassa )

Also called strawberries, they have a high water content and are an extraordinary source of vitamins and minerals, in addition to their caloric intake is very low. Added to this quality is its high diuretic power that helps eliminate toxins and prevent fluid accumulation. 100 g provides 7.68 g of carbohydrates, 4.89 g of sugars, 2 g of dietary fiber, 90.95 g of water and 33 calories.

Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

Its juice and seeds are excellent tools for losing weight. Some studies indicate that eating them for 30 days can reduce fat cells; In addition, its high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants help accelerate metabolism. 100 g provide 18.7 g of carbohydrates, 13.67 g of sugars, 4 g of dietary fiber and 83 Calories

Kiwi ( Actinidia Deliciosa )

cc, improve intestinal transit and add volume to the stool. It regulates carbohydrate metabolism. 100 g provides 14.66 g of carbohydrates, 8.99 g of sugars, 3 g of dietary fiber and 61 calories.

Lemon ( Citrus limon )

Its juice is a rich source of vitamin C that increases liver function and fat metabolism, which is why it is a mandatory fruit in weight loss diets. There is scientific evidence that when you consume these fruits, you digest food better and lose weight more easily. 100 g provides 9.32 g of carbohydrates, 2.5 g of sugars, 2.8 g of dietary fiber and 29 calories.

Apple ( Malus domestica )

It is the second most consumed fruit in the US and one of the main ones in the world, due to its delicious flavor and being rich in water and pectin, an ideal component to detoxify the body and reduce bad cholesterol levels. It also has diuretic functions, offers fiber and amino acids. 100 g provides 12.76 g of carbohydrates, 10.10 g of sugars, 1.3 g of dietary fiber, 86.67 g of water and 50 calories.

Papaya ( Carica papaya )

The papaya is also known as papayón, olocotón, papayo, mamón and lechesa. It is the fruit par excellence to eliminate toxins, since almost 90% of its composition is water. Researchers believe that its virtues are due to the presence of papain, an enzyme that improves protein digestion, maintains metabolism and promotes the combustion of fats. 100 g provides 10.82 g of carbohydrates, 7.82 g of sugars, 1.5 g of dietary fiber and 43 calories.

Pears ( Pyrus communis )

The pear has a high water content and is an excellent source of pectin that has a detoxifying effect on the body. Clinical studies show that people who consumed pears were less likely to overeat and also lost more weight than those who usually do not incorporate it into their diet. 100 g provides 15.23 g of carbohydrates, 9.75 g of sugars, 3.1 g of dietary fiber, 83.96 g of water and 57 calories.

Pineapple ( Ananas comosus )

Pineapple is a fruit recognized for its diuretic and purifying effect that helps eliminate toxins from the body, helps prevent constipation due to the large amount of fiber it provides and is an excellent source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins C. and the B complex. 100 g provide 13.12 g of carbohydrates, 9.85 g of sugars, 1.4 g of dietary fiber and 50 Calories.

Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus )

Watermelon, also known as watermelon, aguamelon or water melon, is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant and has purifying properties that promote the elimination of toxins. It has low energy density, that is, a significant amount of water that allows you to eat large portions without obtaining many calories, which helps with satiety and weight loss. 100 g provides 7.55 g of carbohydrates, 6.2 g of sugars, 0.4 g of dietary fiber, 91.45 g of water and 30 calories.

Grapefruit ( Citrus paradisi )

The grapefruit, known as grapefruit, grapefruit, grapefruit and grapefruit, is made up of 90% water and is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins C, A and B complex. Added to this variety of healthy compounds is that it has different types of flavonoids with antioxidant properties that stimulate fat burning. 100 g provides 10.34 g of carbohydrates, 8.93 g of sugars, 1.4 g of dietary fiber, 90 g of water and 35 calories.

If you want to shed those extra kilos and not gain weight, consume these low-calorie fruits. But never consume any fruit juice, since one glass concentrates the sugar from several pieces of fruit.

For example, a glass of three orange juice has approximately 112 calories and a glass of three apple juice has 114. Well, according to the US Department of Agriculture, the same amount of a soft drink has between 97 and 100 calories.

Since you have all the information about which fruits help or hurt weight loss, you can choose correctly. The choice is yours.

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