Lose weight

Do you want a slimmer figure? We guide you in your weight loss process with information and tools that do work

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How to measure body fat percentage

Body fat percentage is a key indicator to know how you are managing your diet and evaluate your habits. Learn how to measure it with this guide!

Fruits that help or harm weight loss

¿Las frutas engordan o adelgazan? Aunque son ricas en nutrientes, vitaminas y antioxidantes, debes saber consumirlas. ¡Te enseñamos cómo!

Is it possible to lose body fat with Garcinia Cambogia?

Do you want to lose body fat? Many dream the same because it is no secret to anyone that, in addition to being unsightly, it can be uncomfortable. And you should not only eliminate it...

Follow these tips to avoid gaining weight during the Christmas holidays

The year is about to end! Which means that the Christmas holidays are near and you must establish a comprehensive strategy to avoid gaining weight. On these dates, the consumption of food and drinks is...

How much protein do I need per day in my diet?

Conoce la cantidad de proteína diaria que debes consumir para cumplir con tu requerimiento nutricional. ¡Aprende sobre alimentación en nuestro blog!

Free mobile applications to count the calories you consume

Gestiona lo que comes con tu smartphone. Conoce la lista de las mejores apps gratuitas para el control de calorías en el blog de Evolution Advance.

Learn about the best diets to lose weight 2020

If you type in the search engine "best diets to lose weight" or "best diets to lose weight" you will get more than 310 million results. And with so many options, it is difficult to...

The new science of weight loss

Would you like to know a strategy, backed by science, to make your weight loss effective? Stop feeling bad when diet and exercise don't work. Focus on burning fat and forget about monitoring your weight...

Factors that cause fluid retention and prevent you from losing weight

Si te sientes hinchada y buscas una solución para combatir este problema, conoce en nuestro blog los factores que causan la retención de líquidos.

Why stress and anxiety make you gain weight and how to control it

You may feel frustrated or lost. You are fighting to control your diet, stay healthy and transform your body. You know you want to feel better and you try hard, but maybe you don't realize...