Learn everything about the fast metabolism diet

Perhaps you have heard about the accelerated metabolism diet, a style of eating that is becoming popular by leaps and bounds, especially in the United States, because it promises that you can eat a lot and still lose weight.
What is it? What can you eat and what can't? What are its advantages and disadvantages? ...These and many other questions are what I am going to answer in this post.
What is this diet?
The word diet is a term that we hear from very early stages of life. And it usually produces aversion, because it is used with a negative connotation, generally associated with starving to lose weight.
The first thing you should know is that the word diet comes from the Latin “diaeta” and the Greek “Dayta” which mean "regimen of life." A diet is all the food intake that is consumed to survive.
It is a natural behavior of living beings and is closely related to culture, geography, climatic conditions and society.
The diet of a person who lives in China is very different from one who is in the United States, Latin America or Europe, because their cultures are different and, consequently, their diet will also be different.
Types of diet according to the foods you eat

Basically, there are three types of diets for humans, based on the origin of the food:
- Vegetarian: focuses on a diet with vegetables and greens.
- Omnivorous: based on the consumption of animal and plant foods.
- Carnivore: foods of animal origin.
However, in recent decades, countless diet plans for weight loss have been developed. Some beneficial, others not so beneficial. There are even some that are so dangerous that they put life and health at risk.
Therefore, it is truly important that you acquire the habits of a healthy diet and that these become a lifestyle, ideally, that is implemented from the earliest years until old age.
What is the accelerated metabolism diet?

Also called metabolic cooking, it is a dietary regimen created by American Hailey Pomroy who describes it as a 28-day strategic plan during which specific nutrients are used at strategic times to provoke a metabolic change in a body that has become slow to burn. fat.
Hailey indicates that with the accelerated metabolism diet, people will eat a lot and still lose weight. It is a simple, proven plan carefully designed to cause certain physiological changes that will allow the metabolism to speed up.
This diet is based on the following premise : by processing different foods each time, the body keeps the metabolism busy and working constantly. At the same time, the liver will metabolize everything better and the thyroid gland will produce more hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which are mainly responsible for running the body with a fast metabolism.
That theory is also applied in exercise. Trainers generally recommend changing your training routine often so that your muscles don't get used to certain movements and continue to develop.
What is the accelerated metabolism diet?
It is structured in three phases, from Monday to Sunday and these stages must be repeated for four weeks:
1- Calm down (Monday and Tuesday) : you should consume a lot of carbohydrates and fruits. In this first phase you must seek to minimize stress and calm the adrenals so that you can gently induce the change in metabolism.
2 - Unlock (Wednesday and Thursday) : Eat lots of protein and vegetables. This period is designed to unlock the fat stored in the body.
3 - Unleash (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) : you should consume all of the above and include more healthy fats and oils. This facet is focused on accelerating the metabolism and unleashing combustion: hormones, heart and heat.
The purpose is that you can overcome the conditions that make you fail in a diet regimen, such as cravings, reflected in foods rich in sugar, salt or caffeine, as well as processed foods.
What to eat and how to do it?

The author of the accelerated metabolism diet indicates that success will depend on the foods you choose and the way you eat them:
- You should have breakfast, at most, 30 minutes after waking up.
- Eat about five times a day and with small portions, but every three or four hours.
- It is prohibited to skip any of the meals.
- You must drink enough fluids. Hailey says you should drink the equivalent of half your body weight.
- You should have dinner at least 30 minutes before going to sleep.
Phase 1 of the fast metabolism diet
This is a phase with high glycemic indexes, moderate protein levels and low fat.
Duration: 2 days.
Objective: reduce the stress accumulated by heavy food.
Foods allowed in this phase:
- Carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice, wild rice, black rice, rice milk, quinoa, whole wheat pasta, brown rice tortillas, and sprouted grain tortillas.
- Fruits rich in natural sugars such as peaches, strawberries, figs, apples, melon, mangoes, pears and pineapples.
- Vegetables such as potatoes, artichokes and Brussels sprouts.
- High in vitamins B and C such as lean beef, guavas, kiwis, lentils, lemons, oranges and turkey.
Breakfast | Snack | Lunch | Snack | Dinner |
*Grain*Fruit | *Fruit | *Grain*Protein*Fruit *Vegetables | *Fruit | *Grain*Protein*Vegetables |
Menu example:
- Breakfast: oatmeal with kiwi (with water or fruit juice, but without milk).
- Snack: an apple or a cup of strawberries.
- Lunch: salad with mango, mushrooms and honey mustard dressing.
- Snack: smoothie (banana/pineapple).
- Dinner: couscous with cooked pumpkins and tomatoes.
Rules: You can eat whatever fruits and complex carbohydrates you want (like beans and grains), but you should eliminate fat and optionally integrate protein.
Recommended exercises: aerobics and walks.
Phase 2 of the fast metabolism diet
This is a stage high in protein and vegetables. It is low in carbohydrates and fat.
Duration: 2 days.
Objective: increase your muscles, control acidity in the blood and help the liver get rid of fat cells.
Foods allowed in this phase:
- That promote liver function, which helps cells release fat: celery, garlic, peas, broccoli, mushrooms, onion, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, lemons, beets, tomatoes and carrots .
- High in lean protein: tuna, low-fat fish (sole, grouper, and sea bass), lean beef, chicken and turkey (skinless), lean pork, and turkey bacon.
- Zero fruits or grains.
Breakfast | Snack | Lunch | Snack | Dinner |
*Protein*Vegetables | *Protein | *Protein*Vegetables | *Protein | *Protein*Vegetables |
Menu example:
- Breakfast: omelet with vegetables.
- Snack: a celery, tomato and carrot juice.
- Lunch: roast meat accompanied by vegetables.
- Snack: a cup of spinach salad.
- Dinner: chicken curry and mixed vegetable salad.
Rules: Vegetables and proteins are allowed, but not carbohydrates.
Recommended exercises: weight lifting.
Phase 3 of the fast metabolism diet
This is a period high in healthy fats, with moderate levels of carbohydrates and proteins, and fruits with a low glycemic index.
Duration: 3 days.
Objective: accelerate metabolism so that it begins to burn fat.
Foods allowed in this phase:
- High in healthy fats: olive oil, olives, avocados, coconut, nuts and seeds.
- Higher fat proteins in moderate amounts: hummus, sesame or almond butter, cod, salmon, shrimp and hemp seeds.
- Low glycemic index fruits: blueberries, raspberries, lemons, grapefruit and blackberries.
- Vegetables with a lower glycemic index: seaweed, artichokes, eggplant, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, spinach and beans.
- Moderate amounts of unrefined carbohydrates: wild rice, oats, barley, quinoa, sprouted grain bread, and quinoa pasta.
- Foods that stimulate the thyroid: coconut oil, seaweed, shrimp and lobster.
- Foods rich in inositol and choline: Brussels sprouts, chicken or beef liver, legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.
Breakfast | Snack | Lunch | Snack | Dinner |
*Fruit*Fat/Protein*Grains*Vegetables | *Vegetables*Fat/Protein | *Fat/Protein*Vegetables*Fruit | *Vegetables*Fat/Protein | *Fat/Protein*Vegetables Optional: *Grains*Carbohydrates |
Menu example:
- Breakfast: eggs to taste with half an avocado.
- Snack: a mixture of walnuts and almonds.
- Lunch: Russian salad (potatoes, carrots and peas) with tuna.
- Snack: your favorite fruit with granola and honey.
- Dinner: grilled fish, rice and a cup of vegetables.
Rules: In addition to the food groups in phase one and two, you can add natural fats and oils.
Recommended exercises: relaxing such as yoga or dancing.
Prohibited foods on the accelerated metabolism diet

You cannot consume the following products in all phases of the diet plan:
- Alcohol.
- Caffeine.
- Refined sugar.
- Dairy.
- Corn.
- Wheat (only sprouted ones are allowed).
- Flour.
- Soy.
- Foods with preservatives.
- Processed foods.
- Foods with additives.
- Light, low-fat foods.
- Dried fruit.
- Artificial sweeteners.
Advantages and disadvantages of the fast metabolism diet plan
Among the advantages of metabolic cooking are the following:
- The phases only last 2 or 3 days, which adds diversity to the plan.
- Brings a wide variety of food options.
- It is an effective way to lose weight in a month, with minimal effort.
- If you stick to the prescribed menu, you will not only lose weight, but you will also benefit from all the nutrients your body needs.
- As part of this diet, you can eat something before bed.
The disadvantages are:
- This plan requires you to plan everything you are going to eat.
- If you consume the wrong nutrients you can sabotage your weight loss program.
- It must be organized for it to work.
Keep in mind that food is a fundamental habit for absolutely all living beings with the purpose of surviving and responding to basic biological needs.
It is more than proven that food and health go hand in hand, since a correct diet helps promote health and prevent diseases in the short and long term.