Emotional hunger? Put it aside with these tips

Has it ever happened to you that you eat without really being hungry? Many of us have experienced it and it is due to an alteration in our emotional states called emotional hunger.
Generally, the conflict with hunger and emotions occurs due to personal problems that we do not know how to manage . They cause us stress, anxiety, sadness and, in some cases, even boredom.
Or have you not experienced situations like this?:

These episodes can occur daily and many of those who suffer from them are not aware that they have dangerous consequences on their weight and health. Especially if they constantly suffer from stress and anxiety, they can be affected by weight gain.
The worst thing is that, if they appear while they long to have a better figure, it causes feelings of guilt and more anxiety, which could become a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.
For this reason, an expert in the area of psychology and another in nutrition are going to explain everything about emotional hunger and give you some tips so you know how to manage it.
Emotional hunger: What it is, how to recognize and control it
Emotional hunger: what it is, how to recognize and control it from Evolution Advance on Vimeo .
Hunger and emotional voids
Hunger and emotional voids from Evolution Advance on Vimeo .
What did you think of this interview about emotional hunger that we did with Nathaly Bayed @nathalybayed and Jennifer Moina @nutrimoina ? Let's wait for your comment.