You have probably experienced it too: the days have too many ups and downs, to compensate, do you drink too much coffee, especially on the days when you feel most tired?
Coffee is the drink that makes the world tick and energy flow, it's a staple in the diet for nearly half the world!
It is well known that coffee helps you activate your mind , however it has many more benefits than just fighting fatigue.
A 24-hour hormonal cycle, called the circadian cycle , is what tells our bodies when to eat or when to sleep .
One of its tasks is to release cortisol, a substance that helps us feel awake and alert.
If you drink caffeine at the time of highest blood cortisol level, it is the same as taking medication when you do not need it: it will have no effect and your body will generate resistance to that substance.
The ideal time to take it , according to experts, would be between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. and between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.
In addition to caffeine, its flavor and more if it is 100% Colombian coffee , it is one of the things that encourages us the most every day.
Whenever we are looking for a little energy we turn to it.
But can you imagine being able to further increase that shot of energy that a cup of coffee gives us? Have you thought about mixing it with protein? And we're not talking about the proffee, which went viral on TikTok , but about a coffee-flavored protein that will do magic with your metabolism and training.
Protein Fit&Slim Energy+Fat Burner will transform the way you prepare and enjoy your coffees.
And it is that in a few seconds you will get a creamy mixture of the best coffee in the world and whey protein. Together they revitalize you, fire up your metabolism and leave you satiated for hours.