More than 100 million people in the US suffer from constipation, which affects between 15% and 20% of the population.
After the age of 40, women suffer from it more than men, due to natural changes in age and with the arrival of premenopausal symptoms that interrupt the natural flow of poop due to hormonal imbalance.
Resulting in chronic or eventual constipation, painful, frustrating, and bloated belly.
Read on to discover the one solution that has helped hundreds of women in the same situation as you.
Give us five minutes of your time and I'll explain how two small capsules a day can erase years of suffering TOTALLY… QUICKLY and FOREVER.
Relief can start in just a few hours.
And NO drugs, suppositories, fiber, fad diets or cleanses needed.
We have a solution with a 93% success rate to help constipated women like YOU... and all you need to do is take two small capsules throughout the day.
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort...
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy...
Staying slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people…
If you've ever wondered why you're passing stones instead of normal stool, here's why. . .
When doctors evaluate a patient with constipation, the first thing they try to identify is called "transit time."
And it's just what it seems. It is a measure of how fast your poop travels through your digestive tract.
If they travel too fast, your stools are watery and unpleasant. You know the feeling.
If they travel too slowly, your colon actually sucks all the water out of the poop leaving it dry and hard as a rock.
As a result, you feel bloated, full, and sore.
Not really a surprise, you're actually trying to get past a cup of... sharp, pointy ROCKS.
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to…
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to…
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation
So what exactly is the actual trigger for your constipation and suffering?
It's an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in your digestive system.
And the good bacteria are losing .
When you were born, your digestive system was a blank page.
Then, you began to feed yourself with your mother's breast milk , thanks to which your colon was populated with a strain of bacteria that is very beneficial for your health , especially your immune system.
Over the next two years or so, these good bacteria thrived and multiplied in your gut.
And it was pure magic for your digestive system.
You were a regular watch.
Your stools were soft.
And they slipped on almost effortlessly .
But suddenly a problem arose.
Over time, these good bacteria were depleted due to:
All these alone can cause serious digestive problems, and if you suffer from more than one, things get worse.
Because? Because they kill your body's precious supply of friendly bacteria.
At the same time, your gut is overwhelmed by billions of bad bacteria.
And these outnumber your GOOD bacteria!
Now we just needed to figure out HOW to multiply your good bacteria as fast as possible so they can win the battle against the bad ones.
Talking to some of the world's smartest medical and scientific researchers…
Our team of experts spent hundreds of hours reading scientific studies and specialized research articles on the gut microbiota and chronic constipation…
And we finally discovered the answer to the frustrations hundreds of women have had.
That's why we're so excited to tell you about 2 wonderful ingredients that will change your life...
The human body harbors nearly 100 trillion bacteria in the gut... ….that's more than 10 times the total number of human cells in the entire body. Probiotics are those "good" bacteria that help keep your intestines healthy and aid digestion and nutrient absorption .
Researchers are also finding evidence that certain gut bacteria influence the development of aspects of the immune system. In fact, the gut accounts for 25% of the body's immune cells, which provide 50% of the body's immune response.
The main benefit of probiotics is that they help maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota. By improving the intestinal flora, these microorganisms can have a greater effect in maintaining people's good health. Understanding the type and number of microorganisms in the intestine has become a fundamental goal in the search for general well-being.
Today, consumers have the ability to influence their gut microbiota like never before: from supplements to food, people seek sources of good bacteria. But……
Traditional probiotics are beneficial to the colon, but their delivery mechanism is so outdated that they can cause harm.
Traditional probiotics are designed to fail. The acid in your stomach kills most bacterial cultures before they reach the colon, where they can provide benefits.
For this reason, traditional probiotics include "megadose" cultures of bacteria in each capsule, hoping that a small amount will reach the colon intact.
However, pouring large amounts of bacteria into a struggling stomach does not solve problems. In fact, it causes even more heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, and intestinal discomfort.
However, a new technology has emerged to answer this problem.
DE111® is a classic strain of Bacillus subtilis that supports the normal proliferation of beneficial bacteria and crowds out other bacteria using DR(r) transport technology, allowing the correct dose of probiotics to reach our intestines to flush out harmful bacteria, replenish and diversify the gut biome and allow your body to restore vulnerable areas of the blood-gut barrier.
Waking up every morning and completely emptying your bowels so your stomach feels flat and sexy...
Throwing out several pounds of "stuck poop" and watching in disbelief as your belly shrinks...
Feeling LIGHT and ENERGY while eliminating excess poo (TOXINS) that is literally weighing you down…
And free yourself, finally, from chronic constipation and all the discomforts it causes
They improve the detoxification processes of your body by cleaning your intestine and eliminating accumulated toxins.
Native to the Pacific Northwest regions of the United States and Canada, the bark of the Cascara sagrada tree has been used as an herbal laxative for centuries.
Early Spanish explorers named it "corteza sagrada" (English translation of cascara sagrada), after observing how Native Americans used this herb in folk medicine applications.
The bark was steeped to make a tea used to relieve constipation. In the 1890s, the US Pharmacopeia recognized the medicinal uses of cascara sagrada, primarily as a natural laxative.
The colon, or large intestine, is responsible for absorbing nutrients and excess water from digested food and forming stool for elimination. If the mass of food moves through the colon too slowly, the stool can become hard and dry, making it difficult and uncomfortable to pass. This condition is called constipation and it affects millions of people.
The active component of cascara sagrada, anthraquinone, induces peristalsis, the muscle contractions in the large intestine that stimulate bowel movements. These contractions help tone the relaxed muscles that line the intestine. Although primarily used to relieve mild and chronic constipation, cascara sagrada may benefit colitis (inflammation of the colon), upset stomach, hemorrhoids, jaundice, and liver problems.
These are the trips to the bathroom that dreams are made of…
They only take 30-60 seconds…
Generally, it occurs once or twice a day for most people…
They come out smooth and with a feeling of “complete release”…
And it requires minimal cleaning without pushing, grunting, or spending 10 minutes on the toilet hoping and praying that something will finally come out.
In other words, the perfect poop!
Results happen FAST, usually within a few days…
the combination between HAPPY POO + GOOD BACTERIA
and is guaranteed to give you perfect potty trips every day.
POO GOOD is already transforming the lives of thousands of women around the world...
Take action now to improve your life (or just poop and lose weight) forever.
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to…
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to...
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation
You risk NOTHING because of our
3 month 100% money back guarantee!
We want to make sure you are satisfied and confident with your order today.
We understand that you've probably tried a million things in the past that haven't worked for you...
We understand that ALL you want are real , tangible results so you can enjoy perfect poop every day.
We've seen our 700,000+ customers and we know without a doubt that Happy Poo + Good Bacteria is a breakthrough in digestive health.
That's why we're confident enough to offer you a 3-month 100% money-back guarantee .
Either you get the results you're looking for or you don't pay.
It's really as simple as that!
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to...
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation
It's potty time HAPPY!
Our Solution for chronic and occasional constipation has already changed the lives of more than 77,890 women like you, helping them to...
Gently but completely empty your bowels each morning without pain or effort.
Enjoy a flatter tummy while releasing 10+ pounds of "stuck poop" making them feel bloated and heavy.
Stay slim effortlessly by activating specific bacteria found in naturally thin people
Exercise guide to combat constipation
Food guide to combat constipation
Massages to improve constipation