gut health

Say goodbye to constipation and stomach ailments with all the recommendations you find in this section.

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Tricks to avoid a swollen abdomen

Maybe you are one of those who have already tried everything to have a flat and toned abdomen. You do sit-ups, you eat a little better, and you go to the beauty salon every week...

Tips to avoid constipation easily

You feel swollen and uncomfortable, you go to the bathroom three times a week or even once. You are looking for ways to avoid constipation because you do not want to continue with that regret...

Bloated abdomen? Causes and solutions

Does your abdomen feel swollen, fuller than normal? So much so that not even your favorite pants close you. The truth is that having a swollen belly is unpleasant, uncomfortable and sometimes painful, which can...

Infusions that help improve digestion

Few , if any, people are spared from a digestive problem and at some point in their lives look for some way to improve digestion. Most are unaware that digestion is of vital importance for...

Are you sleepy after eating? find out why

Do you feel sleepy after eating? Put a magnifying glass on your diet! Learn in this note the reasons that cause this sensation and learn how to improve your diet.

Intestinal bacteria out of control: here are the reasons

It is amazing how more studies are becoming known every day that demonstrate the connection between intestinal bacteria and all other aspects of human health. They can be your allies to be healthier or your...

Do you know why it is important to clean the colon?

Cleaning the colon is essential to lead a life full of health, since it is said that the large intestine is the second brain of your body. You know that? You may not detect when...

Fermented probiotic recipes to strengthen the immune system

Having several fermented probiotic recipes on hand is always a good option. You may not have known this, but your gut can be overloaded for a variety of reasons, from a low-fiber diet to excessive...

My experience with the gut microbiome and weight loss

Did you know that our gut actually dictates our weight? Well, I didn't know that until I started diving into the world of the microbiome and microbes. Our " gut microbiome " is the "secret...

Constipation? Follow these tips to combat it

It has happened to many of us. Sometimes it is difficult for us to go to the bathroom, especially when we have stress or take some medications. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom...